Steam, Steam, Grenadine

paved to the dentist: is literature what you would 
expect it to be. i am not named worldly; i am a pendant 
atop the pudding and did you eat cake soft jellies, everett 
rivering, pink thread draped over the tiling.

is literature what you would expect it to be.

    A. YES
    B. Yes    
    C. It was gone by the time I finished counting (counting?).

is literature a thing.
    A. Literature is not a thing, but a relation.       
    B. Literature is when I stand under the awning of the computer lab, 
         some sour breath of theatre leaving my nose, confusing profundity 
         for usability, confusing my body for its reflection.           
    C. I’m not sure about sound or matter at all.       
    D. Why, I simply cannot stand the ephemeral niceties of social life. 
          I must retreat into the colonizable materiality of the page.

(and we all went 
home assessed 
ratios and died)